Catching Fire with Kansas SCBWI: Brand Yourself!

Catching Fire with Kansas SCBWI: Brand Yourself!

Join SCBWIer and Heartlander Jenn Bailey, our very own social media whiz,  for a hands-on workshop on Branding Yourself! In the morning we’ll discuss how social media can help you research the publishing world, network, and market yourself. In the afternoon learn how to build a functional Website that integrates social media tools and lets editors and agents get a look at who you are. Bring your laptops if you can and get ready to get busy!

Get details and register here!

Register in advance:  $15.00 SCBWI members  $20.00 nonmembers

Pay at the Door:  $20.00 SCBWI members  $25.00 nonmembers

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