Demystifying Genres
This month the Institute of Children’s Literature Writers’ Support Room features Lisha Cauthen – Wednesday critique regular, KSCBWI Scoop editor and bloggess extraordinaire. Check out Lisha in action here! Great job, Lisha!
Delving into the mechanics of writing, articles discuss techniques, editors, agents, and how writing for children differs from writing for adults.
This month the Institute of Children’s Literature Writers’ Support Room features Lisha Cauthen – Wednesday critique regular, KSCBWI Scoop editor and bloggess extraordinaire. Check out Lisha in action here! Great job, Lisha!
I’ve blogged about how I targeted agents by keeping a detailed reading list and focusing on agents who repped novels that I could relate to my own work (targeting agents). Here is my actual query letter with my commentary in bold:
Tracy Marchini ( has worked as a literary agent’s assistant at Curtis Brown, Ltd. ( for over two years, and has spent a significant amount of time answering Laura Manivong’s newbie questions (thanks, Tracy!). Before joining Curtis Brown, she worked as a freelance children’s book reviewer for BookPage and as a correspondent for the Taconic Press. She’s also well-known for being the only second grader in her class to write a book report on a book she penned herself. So…